Court Records Declaration of Linda Ochoa
November 28, 2003
Declaration of Linda Ochoa
(Nanny for Angelicque and Oscar De La Hoya's child. Devon De La Hoya)
I Linda Ochoa have lived with Devon De La Hoya and his
mother Angelique McQueen since Devon was one and one-
half years old, April, 2000. I work for Angelique as her
When I first started working for Angelicque, she and Audie
were married and living together. It is my recollection that
Audie was not at home much, he toured in a rock band so
he would be home for a few days and then gone for several.
I remember that he was home for 2 weeks, gone for 4
months . When he was home, I did not see him practically
at all. He never interacted with Devon. He did not pick
him up or play with him. He did not bring him presents.
He did not buy anything for the home. Angelique used to
give me money and I would go to the market and do the
errands. Audie never gave me money for anything . I also
remember that he demonstrated a negative attitude.
Although I did not understand much English in those days,
I could hear what sounded like arguing between Angelique
and Audi. He shouted and yelled at her and his body
language looked like he was mad frequently. It appeared to
me that it was not a normal marriage. He did not talk much
to Angelique and I do not remember him ever talking to
Declaration of Linda Ochoa pg.2
Shortly after I was employed by Angelique, she told me
that Audi was not Devon’s father. Then his behavior was
not so confusing to me. About three and one-half months
after I started working for Angelique, she moved to an
apartment in Riverside without telling me. She later called
me and I went to live with her. She had moved without
telling me or anyone because she told me that she was
scared of Audi. I remember that she was very nervous, not
sleeping well, distracted, worried about her son. It hurt me
to see her under such pressure. I remember we had almost
no furniture and that she made sure windows and doors
were locked before retiring for the night.
Angelique moved because she wanted to get away from
Audi. However, Audi called her many, many times. I
remember that I answered about 20 or 30 calls a day for
about five or six months. He only wanted to talk to
Angelique, never to Devon. Audi also came to the
apartment for money on several occasions. For about six
months, he did not ask for Devon at all. Then, I remember
in Nov. 2000, Audi came to the house to get money and
take Devon to his birthday party. Angelique felt sorry for
Devon because she could not give him a party. He did not
have any money and borrowed some from me since
Angelique did not have enough for the cost of Chuck E
Cheese. Angelique then sent me to accompany Devon for
his safety. I really did not want to go but did because
Angelique asked to and she was sick. We were gone until
1:00 AM and returned to a very worried Angelique.
Declaration of Linda Ochoa pg.3
I remember another time while we were living in Riverside
that Angelique took me with her to Los Angeles to meet
with Richard Shaffer, Oscar’s manager. She took papers
and receipts and the telephone bill to show him how Audi
was bothering her and asked for their help. Richard was
very nice to Devon and to us and seemed willing to help.
He even told us that he had a son also.
It was also in this apartment that I started visiting Oscar De
La Hoya’s family with Devon. Angelique did then and still
drops us off at their home so they can know Devon. They
tell me that they love him and do not understand why Oscar
will not visit him. It seems to them that Audi only wants
money from Oscar because he is not really the father and
keeps on fighting with Angelique over Devon.
Angelique and I also visited with Oscar. We took Devon to
Beverly Hills so he could see his dad. We met with Oscar
who gave me his autograph. Angelique gave Oscar
pictures of Devon.
Some 18 months after we moved into the Riverside
apartment, Angelique decided to move again for fear of her
safety. Audi continued to call and bother her. So, we
moved to an apartment in Corona.
Declaration of Linda Ochoa pg.4
Now, Devon visits with Audi. It used to be twice a month
and now it is once a month on a Saturday. He appears ok
before he attends the visit. Once he returns, he is
screaming and yelling at everyone. He kicks and hits. He
demands certain foods and cannot go anywhere, like the
store on the way home. He has trouble at school too. This
lasts for about two days and then he resumes his normal
conduct. I have never heard Angelique say mean or bad
things about Audi, even during these difficult times. She
does not even talk on the phone about Audi or this problem
to her attorneys or other people in front of Devon.
Devon does not suffer such reactions when he returns from
a visit with Oscar’s family. He is well behaved during the
visit and returns home and calm. Just last weekend his
father’s family gave him a birthday party at their house
(Oscar was not present). They even made a cake for him
and he cut the first piece for his mother. I always
accompany him at those visits and parties. When he comes
home from those visits, he is his normal self and does not
have the same problems as when he sees Audi.
I am worried about Devon because he does not look happy
when he visits with Audi. I see that Devon misses out on
parties and family activities because he has to go to visit
Audi. Devon goes through a very a difficult time when he
gets back from a visit with Audi. I also see that Devon’s
behavior at school and at home is problematic and that he
needs a calm and loving home without these problems
worrying him. I think he is worried also because I see his
ugly and mean drawings. I have told all this to the
Declaration of Linda Ochoa pg.5
detectives the time Angelique took a vacation. They
thought she had been kidnapped. I love Devon and he is
like my grandchild.
This is my best recollection of the situation in the home
with Angelique and Devon.
Linda Ochoa
November 28, 2003
Declaration of Linda Ochoa
(Nanny for Angelicque and Oscar De La Hoya's child. Devon De La Hoya)
I Linda Ochoa have lived with Devon De La Hoya and his
mother Angelique McQueen since Devon was one and one-
half years old, April, 2000. I work for Angelique as her
When I first started working for Angelicque, she and Audie
were married and living together. It is my recollection that
Audie was not at home much, he toured in a rock band so
he would be home for a few days and then gone for several.
I remember that he was home for 2 weeks, gone for 4
months . When he was home, I did not see him practically
at all. He never interacted with Devon. He did not pick
him up or play with him. He did not bring him presents.
He did not buy anything for the home. Angelique used to
give me money and I would go to the market and do the
errands. Audie never gave me money for anything . I also
remember that he demonstrated a negative attitude.
Although I did not understand much English in those days,
I could hear what sounded like arguing between Angelique
and Audi. He shouted and yelled at her and his body
language looked like he was mad frequently. It appeared to
me that it was not a normal marriage. He did not talk much
to Angelique and I do not remember him ever talking to
Declaration of Linda Ochoa pg.2
Shortly after I was employed by Angelique, she told me
that Audi was not Devon’s father. Then his behavior was
not so confusing to me. About three and one-half months
after I started working for Angelique, she moved to an
apartment in Riverside without telling me. She later called
me and I went to live with her. She had moved without
telling me or anyone because she told me that she was
scared of Audi. I remember that she was very nervous, not
sleeping well, distracted, worried about her son. It hurt me
to see her under such pressure. I remember we had almost
no furniture and that she made sure windows and doors
were locked before retiring for the night.
Angelique moved because she wanted to get away from
Audi. However, Audi called her many, many times. I
remember that I answered about 20 or 30 calls a day for
about five or six months. He only wanted to talk to
Angelique, never to Devon. Audi also came to the
apartment for money on several occasions. For about six
months, he did not ask for Devon at all. Then, I remember
in Nov. 2000, Audi came to the house to get money and
take Devon to his birthday party. Angelique felt sorry for
Devon because she could not give him a party. He did not
have any money and borrowed some from me since
Angelique did not have enough for the cost of Chuck E
Cheese. Angelique then sent me to accompany Devon for
his safety. I really did not want to go but did because
Angelique asked to and she was sick. We were gone until
1:00 AM and returned to a very worried Angelique.
Declaration of Linda Ochoa pg.3
I remember another time while we were living in Riverside
that Angelique took me with her to Los Angeles to meet
with Richard Shaffer, Oscar’s manager. She took papers
and receipts and the telephone bill to show him how Audi
was bothering her and asked for their help. Richard was
very nice to Devon and to us and seemed willing to help.
He even told us that he had a son also.
It was also in this apartment that I started visiting Oscar De
La Hoya’s family with Devon. Angelique did then and still
drops us off at their home so they can know Devon. They
tell me that they love him and do not understand why Oscar
will not visit him. It seems to them that Audi only wants
money from Oscar because he is not really the father and
keeps on fighting with Angelique over Devon.
Angelique and I also visited with Oscar. We took Devon to
Beverly Hills so he could see his dad. We met with Oscar
who gave me his autograph. Angelique gave Oscar
pictures of Devon.
Some 18 months after we moved into the Riverside
apartment, Angelique decided to move again for fear of her
safety. Audi continued to call and bother her. So, we
moved to an apartment in Corona.
Declaration of Linda Ochoa pg.4
Now, Devon visits with Audi. It used to be twice a month
and now it is once a month on a Saturday. He appears ok
before he attends the visit. Once he returns, he is
screaming and yelling at everyone. He kicks and hits. He
demands certain foods and cannot go anywhere, like the
store on the way home. He has trouble at school too. This
lasts for about two days and then he resumes his normal
conduct. I have never heard Angelique say mean or bad
things about Audi, even during these difficult times. She
does not even talk on the phone about Audi or this problem
to her attorneys or other people in front of Devon.
Devon does not suffer such reactions when he returns from
a visit with Oscar’s family. He is well behaved during the
visit and returns home and calm. Just last weekend his
father’s family gave him a birthday party at their house
(Oscar was not present). They even made a cake for him
and he cut the first piece for his mother. I always
accompany him at those visits and parties. When he comes
home from those visits, he is his normal self and does not
have the same problems as when he sees Audi.
I am worried about Devon because he does not look happy
when he visits with Audi. I see that Devon misses out on
parties and family activities because he has to go to visit
Audi. Devon goes through a very a difficult time when he
gets back from a visit with Audi. I also see that Devon’s
behavior at school and at home is problematic and that he
needs a calm and loving home without these problems
worrying him. I think he is worried also because I see his
ugly and mean drawings. I have told all this to the
Declaration of Linda Ochoa pg.5
detectives the time Angelique took a vacation. They
thought she had been kidnapped. I love Devon and he is
like my grandchild.
This is my best recollection of the situation in the home
with Angelique and Devon.
Linda Ochoa